Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Apple Federal Credit Union

Apple Federal Credit Union - The Deadly Tips to Protect Your Financial and Credit Card Account
About Apple Federal Credit Union
Federal Credit Union

Apple Federal Credit Union is the greatest credit unions number.  You can found Apple Federal Credit Union in any corner of the different states of America. Being an Apple Federal Credit Union member entitles you to avail of the many benefits it offers.

Headquarters Apple Federal Credit Union located in the Washington DC Metro Area. Apple Federal Credit Union  actually is one of the most excellent-known and most reliable institution in the financial industry, also is a nonprofit corporative like all other credit unions.

Fraud Prevention

Remember, that Apple Federal Credit Union WILL NEVER solicit personal or account information via phone, email, or the Internet. Please contact Apple Federal Credit Union immediately if you think you may have been a victim of this or any other fraudulent scam.

Identity Theft

Here are some tips given by Apple Federal Credit Union to help you minimize your risk of identity theft:
  1. Do not give out personal information over the internet or phone unless you are initiating the transaction
  2. Do not ever carry your Social Security Card in your wallet.
  3. Do not ever use your Social Security number as your Driver's License number
  4. Be cautious with receipts and pre-approved credit card offers. Ensure to wipe out them unless you are 100% certain you will need them later
  5. You must promptly remove mail from your mailbox each day. Ask a friend or relative to pick-up your mail or you can request that the Post Office hold your mail until your return if you plan to be out of town for an extended period of time,
  6. Do not include your preprinted Driver's License number on your checks
  7. Do not allow a clerk to write your Social Security number on your checks
  8. Make a copy (front and back) of all cards and other information that you bring with you, so you have all the numbers you will need if your wallet stolen.
  9. Check your free credit report annually to ensure that there are no anomalies and all of the information is correct.
Visit the Federal Trade Commission’s website to get more information and updates.

International Lottery Scams

To help avoid an international lottery scam, review the following scam tips from Apple Federal Credit Union :
  • FREE IS FREE. Remember, you shouldn't have to pay for something you've won, and if someone claims that you do, end communication immediately.
  • DO NOT ever give your personal information to anyone claiming to hold your "winnings", includes credit card information, financial accounts, full name, social security number, etc.
  • You could be liable for entire amount if you deposit a counterfeit check.
  • End the transaction immediately if the buyer insists you wire back funds.
  • Remember, participation in foreign lotteries over the phone or via U.S. Mail are a violation of federal law.
  • Resist any pressure to "act now".


Skimming is the act of capturing magnetic information from a credit or ATM card and then using it for fraudulent purposes, and can be performed with either a handheld device, or a magnetic strip reader attached to a Check Card portal, Debit, or ATM.

To help prevent your card from skimmed:
  • Try to find an alternative terminal if an ATM or credit card machine looks tampered with,
  • Protect your PIN number with your body when you enter it into an credit card or ATM machine
  • Try to keep the person in sight as they do so if a store clerk or a waiter must take your card in order to charge it.

If you are already a victim of identity theft and skimming;
  1. Contact your credit card and financial companies immediately and close your accounts
  2. Change all of your passwords when opening your new accounts,
  3. Contact the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion), to notify them of your identity theft and to request a fraud alert be placed in your file, to prevent any new lines of credit from being opened without your permission
  4. File a report with the police and obtain a copy of all documentation for your records for later proof of the crime.
  5. Contact the Federal Trade Commission Theft Online. 
After you reviewing these tips, you might need the Anchor Bank Tips.

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